What is a fruit diet or fruitarian diet?

The fruit-based diet is an entirely non-vegetarian diet comprised mostly of fruits that are raw. The people who adhere to this diet can also consume fruits, seeds, and nuts. However, they generally consume raw foods and avoid grains.

While there isn’t any exact definition of a healthy fruit diet, those who adhere to it typically consume 70-80 percent of their calories daily from fruits.

A diet that is fruit-based can include many fruits considered to be vegetables, for instance:

  • avocados
  • tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • peppers
  • olives
  • squash

There’s no limit to the number of fruits an individual can consume the majority of people take as much as is needed to satisfy their cravings.


A fruitarian diet is very restrictive, excluding a lot of food groups. It is not inclusive of the variety of nutrients the body needs to maintain the best health.

Fruits are also packed with sugar, which can cause a variety of health issues.

Nutritional deficiencies

The body is unable to absorb the nutrients it requires from fruits alone. If you are on a diet that is based around fruit, you might be missing essential nutrients, such as:

  • iron
  • calcium
  • vitamin D
  • zinc
  • omega-3 acid fatty acids
  • B vitamins, including B-12

These nutrients play an essential role in the normal functioning of the organism. If you consume too much of these nutrients could result in health problems like:

  • dry, brittle, and cracked skin
  • fatigue
  • low mood
  • Depression
  • Bones that are weak
  • decreased immunity
  • muscles are weak
  • cognitive difficulties
  • life-threatening problems

Insufficient protein

Protein deficiency is among the major consequences of a fruitarian diet. Even though a person on the diet could eat seeds and nuts, they aren’t enough protein needed to sustain health.

In a 2016 paper from the Journal Food & Function, These are recommended daily dietary allowances for protein for adults:

  • adults with low physical activity: 0.8 to 1.0 grams (g) of protein per kilogram (kg) of body weight
  • Adults who exercise moderately: 1.3 g of protein per kg body weight
  • Adults with intense physical activity: 1.6 g of protein per kilogram of body weight

A deficiency in protein could cause a myriad of health issues which include:

  • swelling
  • anemia
  • A weak immune system
  • Physical weakness
  • issues with blood vessels which could lead to heart disease
  • Growth is slowed


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