Delicious Juice Recipes to Lose Weight

Juicing is a great way to get more vegetables and vitamins into your body and help you lose weight.

Juicing can not only give us the incredible benefits of eating whole plates of fruits and vegetables, but it can also help to jumpstart weight loss.

You’re here if you want to learn more about the health benefits of juicing or want to find weight loss-friendly recipes for juicing.

Visit to learn more about Juice Cleanse programs.

General Health Benefits of Juicing

Juicing has many health benefits! These are some of the most popular gifts that we see every day.

  • Vitamins and minerals are more abundant in your diet
  • Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Vitamin A are high in high levels
  • Boosts energy
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • It helps to detoxify the body
  • Blood sugar drops
  • Protects against diseases
  • Lower cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Boosts immune system
  • Aids your digestive system

Can Juicing Help You Lose Weight?

Yes! There are many juice diets and juice detoxes available. These work because you eat fewer calories and lose weight.

To lose weight, you need to maintain a caloric surplus. This means that you consume fewer calories than you burn. Juicing can be a great way to reduce your daily caloric intake.

However, there are other ways to lose weight than a 10-day intensive juice cleanse.

You can incorporate juice into your daily life to lose weight. You could swap your morning oatmeal with vegetable juice. You can also replace your high-calorie afternoon snack with carrot juice. You can try a variety of juicing methods to lose weight.

You may be more interested in a juice fast or cleanse. Visit to learn more about Juice Cleanse programs.

For weight loss, try these juice recipes.

Before we begin, we want to remind you that not all fruits or vegetables are created equally!

These recipes are mainly vegetable-based. Vegetables are low in calories and contain minimal sugar, making them an excellent ingredient for juice recipes.

We tend to avoid recipes that are heavy on fruit when discussing weight loss. Because fruit is a natural sugar, it can slow down weight reduction if you consume it regularly.

While this doesn’t mean you must stop eating fruit, you must be mindful of how much sugar you eat each day. Let’s now get to the weight loss recipes!


Yield: About 24 oz. – This yield can vary depending on the products you use and how it was extracted.

26.5 oz Carrot7.7 oz Red Apple

7.7 oz Green Apple

0.7 oz Lemon

0.7 oz Ginger


  1. Wash and weigh all produce
  2. Take off the tops of the carrots
  3. In the juicer, combine all ingredients
  4. Chill
  5. Enjoy!

Pro-tip: Our blog contains tips and tricks for making juicing easy.


Yield: About 24 oz. – This yield can vary depending on the products you use and how it was extracted.

3.23 oz Celery Stalks

1 oz Ginger

8.08 oz Green Apple

9.22 oz Spinach

0.84 oz Lemon

3.46 oz Parsley

8.93 oz Romaine


  1. Wash and weigh all produce
  2. In the juicer, combine all ingredients
  3. Chill
  4. Enjoy!


Yield: About 24 oz. – This yield can vary depending on the products you use and how it was extracted.

8.1 oz Romaine

8.1 oz Spinach

10.22 oz Cucumber

5.66 oz Celery Stalks

2.82 oz Lemon

6.4 oz Zucchini

0.6 oz Watercress

Salt (to taste).


  1. Wash and weigh all produce
  2. In the juicer, combine all ingredients
  3. Chill
  4. Enjoy!

Pro tip: This is one the easiest and best recipes you can customize to your taste!

  • Do you want slightly saltier juice? You can add celery to your juice!
  • Do you want a little more kick? For a real challenge, add hot sauce, black pepper, or jalapeno
  • Would you like something smokey? The Worcestershire sauce is the best!
  • Are you looking for something more earthy? Add a few tomatoes!

Juicing has the advantage of being able to make your juice according to your taste preferences. You can make this recipe yours by experimenting with it.


Although cabbage is not the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of juice, you should try it! This cabbage juice recipe is a powerful, delicious source of nutrients.

Yield: About 24 oz. – This yield can vary depending on the products you use and how it was extracted.

4.62 oz Chard

3.64 oz Kale

2.44 oz Green Cabbage

15.82 oz Green Apple

2.66 oz Celery Stalks

3.56 oz Lemon


  1. Wash and weigh all produce
  2. In the juicer, combine all ingredients
  3. Chill
  4. Enjoy!


Yield: About 24 oz. – This yield can vary depending on the products you use and how it was extracted.

34.5 oz Red Apple

5.58 oz Lemon

0.24 oz Ginger


  1. Wash and weigh all produce
  2. In the juicer, combine all ingredients
  3. Chill
  4. Enjoy!

This recipe is perfect for people who love sweet treats and want to end their night with something sweet. This lemonade is a great alternative to cookies or pastries. You can add strawberries to sweeten it up!

Juicing can be an excellent way to lose weight if your diet needs to be fixed. Juicing can be done fast or as a daily habit.

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